How this website uses cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s computer by websites. Cookies allow information about site navigation such as visit statistics. Cookies are used to facilitate navigation on the site and to improve its usefulness for the user.

Below, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR EU 679/2016 and applicable legislation, we provide information on the use of cookies, their types, and the request for consent.

When you first visit this website, you will see a banner at the top of your screen informing you that this website uses the cookies described in this Policy. The banner asks the user if he/she would like more information and contains a link to open the corresponding page; the banner will remain active until the user has given or withheld consent.


Type of cookie

There are different types of cookies:

proprietary cookies: subject to and readable only by the domain that created them; third-party cookies: subject to and created by domains outside the one the user is visiting.

Both proprietary and third-party cookies can be:

technical: used solely to anonymously identify the user’s browsing session and to make the website easy to navigate; a particular type of cookie, known as analytics, is then used by website operators to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site, and thus process general statistics on the service and its use profiling: used to monitor and profile users during browsing, study their movements and web browsing or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also for the purpose of sending targeted and customised service advertisements

In addition, cookies can be:

temporary: a temporary or ‘session’ cookie is stored on your computer during your visit to a website and is deleted when you leave your Internet browser and/or switch off your computer, i.e. persistent: a permanent or ‘persistent’ cookie is a cookie that remains stored in your terminal equipment until you delete it.

For more information on cookies, please visit:


Which cookies this website uses.

The website of the company The Wonder Society corresponding to the address uses the following cookies, the purpose, duration and domain of which are given below:

Technical name






Google Analytics

They collect information in anonymous form on the number of visitors, where the come from and the pages they visit

6 months



Until the end of session



30 minutes



2 years



10 minutes


Technical cookies

serves for redirecting to the intro page, only if the user has not already visited it

Until the end of session



some non-personal geolocation information

1 year



proprietary cookies.

Technical cookies:
This site uses technical cookies exclusively to anonymously identify the user’s browsing session. The use of so-called session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable the safe and efficient exploration of the site. Profiling cookies:
This website does not use proprietary profiling cookies, i.e. cookies aimed at sendingadvertising messages based on the user’s browsing and preferences.


third-party cookies.

Analytics tools and plug-ins to interface with social networks installed on the site may store cookies. The website has no control over the cookies that are used by third parties, so to learn more about this, please consult the privacy policies of these third parties as well as the options to disable the collection of this information, provided below.

Analytics cookies:
Analytics cookies, a service of Google Analytics, collect information on how the user uses the website. This site uses statistical cookies to obtain statistics on how its website is used and to help improve the site by measuring any errors that occur. Sometimes, some of these cookies are managed on behalf of this site by third parties, but this site does not allow these third parties to use cookies for purposes other than those listed above. To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics: Social buttons and widgets.
When visiting the website, it is also possible to find social buttons/widgets, i.e. those special ‘buttons’ depicting the icons of social networks (e.g. Facebook and Twitter). Social buttons/widgets allow users who are browsing to interact with a ‘click’ directly with social platforms. Thanks to your click on social buttons/widgets, the social network acquires data relating to your visit. Outside of these cases, in which you spontaneously choose with your click to share your browsing data with your chosen social networks, The Wonder Society does not share any browsing information or user data acquired through its sites with social networks

o Facebook( information):

o Facebook (configuration): log in to your account. Privacy section;

o Twitter (privacy policy):

o Twitter (cookie policy and configuration): tecnologie-simili-da-parte-di-twitter#;

o Linkedin (privacy policy): policy?trk=hb_ft_priv

o Linkedin (cookie policy and configuration):

o Instagram (privacy policy): o Google+ information:

o Google+(configuration):


Blocking or Deleting Cookies

If you wish, you can delete the cookies stored in your browser or even block them from being sent automatically.

Blocking certain cookies may affect certain functionalities of the site and consequently its use.
Below we list the main browsers used and links to the relevant pages with the necessary information on cookie management:

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera Safari

How this website uses cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s computer by websites. Cookies allow information about site navigation such as visit statistics. Cookies are used to facilitate navigation on the site and to improve its usefulness for the user.

Below, in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR EU 679/2016 and applicable legislation, we provide information on the use of cookies, their types, and the request for consent.

When you first visit this website, you will see a banner at the top of your screen informing you that this website uses the cookies described in this Policy. The banner asks the user if he/she would like more information and contains a link to open the corresponding page; the banner will remain active until the user has given or withheld consent.


Type of cookie

There are different types of cookies:

proprietary cookies: subject to and readable only by the domain that created them; third-party cookies: subject to and created by domains outside the one the user is visiting.

Both proprietary and third-party cookies can be:

technical: used solely to anonymously identify the user’s browsing session and to make the website easy to navigate; a particular type of cookie, known as analytics, is then used by website operators to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the site, and thus process general statistics on the service and its use profiling: used to monitor and profile users during browsing, study their movements and web browsing or consumption habits (what they buy, what they read, etc.), also for the purpose of sending targeted and customised service advertisements

In addition, cookies can be:

temporary: a temporary or ‘session’ cookie is stored on your computer during your visit to a website and is deleted when you leave your Internet browser and/or switch off your computer, i.e. persistent: a permanent or ‘persistent’ cookie is a cookie that remains stored in your terminal equipment until you delete it.

For more information on cookies, please visit:


Which cookies this website uses.

The website of the company The Wonder Society corresponding to the address uses the following cookies, the purpose, duration and domain of which are given below:

Technical name






Google Analytics

They collect information in anonymous form on the number of visitors, where the come from and the pages they visit

6 months



Until the end of session



30 minutes



2 years



10 minutes


Technical cookies

serves for redirecting to the intro page, only if the user has not already visited it

Until the end of session



some non-personal geolocation information

1 year



proprietary cookies.

Technical cookies:
This site uses technical cookies exclusively to anonymously identify the user’s browsing session. The use of so-called session cookies (which are not permanently stored on the user’s computer and disappear when the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to enable the safe and efficient exploration of the site. Profiling cookies:
This website does not use proprietary profiling cookies, i.e. cookies aimed at sendingadvertising messages based on the user’s browsing and preferences.


third-party cookies.

Analytics tools and plug-ins to interface with social networks installed on the site may store cookies. The website has no control over the cookies that are used by third parties, so to learn more about this, please consult the privacy policies of these third parties as well as the options to disable the collection of this information, provided below.

Analytics cookies:
Analytics cookies, a service of Google Analytics, collect information on how the user uses the website. This site uses statistical cookies to obtain statistics on how its website is used and to help improve the site by measuring any errors that occur. Sometimes, some of these cookies are managed on behalf of this site by third parties, but this site does not allow these third parties to use cookies for purposes other than those listed above. To disable analytical cookies and prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on your browsing, you can download the browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics: Social buttons and widgets.
When visiting the website, it is also possible to find social buttons/widgets, i.e. those special ‘buttons’ depicting the icons of social networks (e.g. Facebook and Twitter). Social buttons/widgets allow users who are browsing to interact with a ‘click’ directly with social platforms. Thanks to your click on social buttons/widgets, the social network acquires data relating to your visit. Outside of these cases, in which you spontaneously choose with your click to share your browsing data with your chosen social networks, The Wonder Society does not share any browsing information or user data acquired through its sites with social networks

o Facebook( information):

o Facebook (configuration): log in to your account. Privacy section;

o Twitter (privacy policy):

o Twitter (cookie policy and configuration): tecnologie-simili-da-parte-di-twitter#;

o Linkedin (privacy policy): policy?trk=hb_ft_priv

o Linkedin (cookie policy and configuration):

o Instagram (privacy policy): o Google+ information:

o Google+(configuration):


Blocking or Deleting Cookies

If you wish, you can delete the cookies stored in your browser or even block them from being sent automatically.

Blocking certain cookies may affect certain functionalities of the site and consequently its use.
Below we list the main browsers used and links to the relevant pages with the necessary information on cookie management:

Internet Explorer Firefox Chrome Opera Safari